
Contributions to crispy-tailwind are very welcome!

Here are some notes on how to get setup with a development environment.

  1. Clone the crispy-tailwind repo from GitHub.

  2. Create a new virtual environment and install the development requirements from requirements.txt.

  3. Install crispy-tailwind as well.

    pip install -e .
  4. Make sure you can run the test suite locally.

    pytest --ds=tests.test_settings
  5. After making documentation changes, build the HTML and review the rendered output via http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

    cd docs && make html
    cd _build/html && python -m http.server
  6. You may find the crispy-test-project helpful to see the rendered output of the package.

  • Clone the tailwind branch of that project.

  • Install the dependencies.

  • Install crispy-tailwind.

    pip install -e path/to/crispy-tailwind