Getting Started


Install via pip.

pip install crispy-tailwind

You will need to update your project’s settings file to add crispy_forms and crispy_tailwind to your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting. Also set tailwind as an allowed template pack and as the default template pack for your project:




If you use Tailwind CLI, you have to provide the path to your templates. Since this package contains templates which are within your Pythons site-packages, it’s hard to tell Tailwind where these templates live.

Thanks to Carlton Gibson’s blog, you can implement (aka copy & paste) a Django management command and the corresponding Tailwind configuration:


There are a number of ways you can use crispy-tailwind. The method requiring the least amount of effort involves using the |crispy filter. This will add an opinionated Tailwind style to your form. If you require more control, you can use the crispy tags and utilise the full power of the crispy-forms through its FormHelper and Layout capabilities.

|crispy filter

The |crispy filter is the method requiring the least amount of effort to add Tailwind style to your form. It avoids the complexity of FormHelper, and it comes with an opinionated form style.

  1. Load the tailwind_filters in your template:

    {% load tailwind_filters %}
  2. Apply the |crispy filter to your form:

    {{ form|crispy }}

Here are two examples. The first shows the default rendering. The second shows rendering of server-side errors:

_images/crispy_form.png _images/crispy_failing.png

{% crispy %} tags

Using the {% crispy %} tag allows you to use the core crispy-form functionality.

  1. Load the crispy tag: {% load crispy_forms_tags %}

  2. Add FormHelper to your form and use crispy-forms to configure your form.

  3. Use the crispy tag {% crispy form %} in your template.

This will render a form with the same opinionated style as the |crispy filter.

The classes are largely held in a CSSContainer class. This can be changed to meet your needs. Docs and functionality for this area continue to be developed.


There is a template tag called crispy-addon. It can be used to render a single field (including label) with prepended and appended text:

{% load tailwind_field %}
{% crispy_addon form.my_field prepend="$" append=".00" %}

You can also prepend or append like so:

{% crispy_addon form.my_field prepend="$" %}
{% crispy_addon form.my_field append=".00" %}